My Miracle Baby ♥
Melani was born 4 months premature in November of 2008. She weighed 1 pound-1 ounce and measured 11 1/2 inches in length. She has been through it all and still has more to come. She is my tiny miracle and I can't wait until she is at home with us for good.
Apr 13, 2011
Its been too long!!!
Wow....I know it has been a long time since I've updated but there has been so much craziness going on in our lives that it just was impossible to sit down and blog. But i do plan on getting back in the mix and updating often...Well Melani is officially a walker. She worked up enough confidence to let go and take off! This is huge for her considering her vision impairment but she is definitely going to have it down soon. She weighs about 21 lbs now and her doctor switched her formula due to her lack of growth in the past year. She is doing so amazing! Things are changing around here. My husband joined the army and is in South Carolina right now. By the time he comes home, I hope Melani is a little butterball. We are hoping to put a little bit of fat on her tiny frame. =) She also tries to repeat words and she loves to play with her brother and sister. Cant believe that in 7 months I will have a 3 year old! It seems like just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital! Man how time flies! I'm gonna post a few pictures of my kiddos at the park a few days ago!

micro preemie,
Retinopathy of Prematurity,
Sep 23, 2010
Quick Update
So it has been so long since I've updated about Melani. Life has just been so crazy.
Melani is doing amazing! She is 22 months old and weighs 20 lbs. She gets into everything and we are working on walking but with her vision impairment it is going to take a little bit of time. She is the happiest baby ever. Uhm...she is off of all meds and all oxygen as of April of 2010. Not much to update but life is going great and i will post pictures of her soon! She'll be 2 in November and we are so excited that we are actually contemplating having a party for her...but we're not too sure since her birthday is in the middle of RSV season.
Melani is doing amazing! She is 22 months old and weighs 20 lbs. She gets into everything and we are working on walking but with her vision impairment it is going to take a little bit of time. She is the happiest baby ever. Uhm...she is off of all meds and all oxygen as of April of 2010. Not much to update but life is going great and i will post pictures of her soon! She'll be 2 in November and we are so excited that we are actually contemplating having a party for her...but we're not too sure since her birthday is in the middle of RSV season.
Nov 15, 2009
Sep 16, 2009
Aug 28, 2009
Swallow Study
Melani had a swallow study done this morning and she did great!!! She did way better than they thought she was going to do considering how premature she was and how long it's been since she ate with a bottle. She also got up to date with her shots. =( It was my first time seeing her get them and i wanted to cry ...but she got over it really fast...but boy did she get ticked. LOL
Aug 23, 2009
Quick Update
Sorry that I haven't really been updating you all who are trying to keep up with Melani's progress. She is doing amazing. She is now 10 lbs 12 ozs. She is starting to coo alot and i love to hear her in her crib talking to herself. Its so cute. She is working on rolling over...and she is almost there. She seems to always have a smile on her face these days. Her recent trip to the pulmonologist went well...he "officially" lowered her down to 1/2 of a liter of o2. She was on 1/4 in the hospital but went home on half...but since no official orders were written...they are now. =) Anyways, i will update again later as new things come. Thank you for all of your prayers!
Aug 2, 2009
Long, Long Road

So as you all know, Melani came home from the NICU on 7.16.09...exactly 8 months after she was born. Woohoo! =) But we had a small set back on 7.24.09...she was really gasy and was just so uncomfortable and had a low fever so we took her to the children's er. Welllll, turned out she had a blockage somewhere in her intestines and everything that should have been coming out of her body "naturally" was being backed up and going out of her g-tube. Not a pretty thing. But she ended up having surgery again on July 27, 2009 and it went great. Her intestines slid into her colon and that was the obstruction...luckily there was no dead intestine and it was a quick and easy surgery. We were so scared about her getting reintubated because we thought her lungs were just so bad that it was going to take a while to get her off of the ventilator but she was off as soon as surgery was over and was back to her normal self the next day. She was in a little pain but not like the previous surgeries she's had. She came home 8.1.09...her daddys birthday!!! Best present out there! =) She is a little fighter and the strongest person i know. She was been through more in her 8 1/2 months of life than most people go through in their entire lives. I'm so thankful my family is finally under one roof and I hope it stays like this for a very LONG LONG while!!!
Jul 27, 2009
Jul 18, 2009
Jul 16, 2009
Jul 14, 2009
Jul 12, 2009
Jul 11, 2009
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