Aug 23, 2009

Quick Update

Sorry that I haven't really been updating you all who are trying to keep up with Melani's progress. She is doing amazing. She is now 10 lbs 12 ozs. She is starting to coo alot and i love to hear her in her crib talking to herself. Its so cute. She is working on rolling over...and she is almost there. She seems to always have a smile on her face these days. Her recent trip to the pulmonologist went well...he "officially" lowered her down to 1/2 of a liter of o2. She was on 1/4 in the hospital but went home on half...but since no official orders were written...they are now. =) Anyways, i will update again later as new things come. Thank you for all of your prayers!

1 comment:

The Adventures of DJ and Katelyn said...

Love her big smile!!! So happy she is doing well. Take Care!!